Divers Alert Network
DAN members have a passion for the water, a quest for knowledge and love of community. So be part of something bigger. Join nearly 500,000 divers worldwide and experience valuable benefits to make you a safer, smarter diver.
Divers Alert Network (DAN) is the world’s most recognised and respected dive safety organisation comprised of dive professionals and medical experts dedicated to supporting divers. Through research, medical services, educational programs and global response initiatives.
For over 20-years, DAN has created an extensive network capable of providing divers around the world with vital services. Everyday divers rely upon DAN for dive safety information and health guidance. They know that in event of emergency, we’ll be there for them – no matter where adventure takes them.
Smart divers’ benefit from this opportunity. The cost of a dive accident can exceed R200,000 a cost that isn’t always covered by primary insurance. But don’t worry, as a DAN member, you have access to the industry’s leading dive accident cover.
DAN offers comprehensive plans that provide protection and peace-of-mind in the event of a dive accident for far less than the cost of an unplanned event.
DAN’s Dive Accident Cover Plans are recognised worldwide providing secondary coverage of up to R900,000 and paying 100% of eligible expenses.
Annual Cover
Temporary Cover
Student Cover
When you support DAN, you support the organization’s ongoing efforts to reduce dive injuries and improve first response and medical treatment. One hundred percent of DAN’s profits are reinvested in research, medical services and programs that make diving safer for all divers. As a diver, you need DAN — and DAN needs you.

Every day, divers and emergency-response personnel around the world trust DAN’s oxygen units and first-aid kits to perform in an emergency. That’s because DAN’s products have been developed, tested and refined with input from leading doctors and researchers to meet the discriminating requirements of the diving community. Be ready to respond.
Explore the DAN Shop to make sure you are prepared with the latest safety equipment to effectively handle any dive emergency.
Enroll in DAN’s Free Online Prepared Diver Course
The human body wasn’t designed to breathe underwater, but with the right equipment and proper training, almost anyone can become an underwater explorer. Unfortunately, to err is human and accidents happen; but they don’t have to happen to you.
The five most common scuba diving accidents are preventable. That’s why Divers Alert Network (DAN) created the Prepared Diver course.
Most divers don’t plan to run out of air or make an uncontrolled ascent, but there are common, preventable mistakes that lead up to these emergencies. DAN’s Prepared Diver course is based upon real-life dive accidents and uses engaging video modules to help divers learn more about the science of diving so they can make informed decisions and minimise risk.
Prepared Diver Modules
Each video-based module covers one of the five main triggers of dive incidents.
Respect Your Limits
Reviews tangible and intangible limitations that divers face before every dive, including environmental, physical and physiological issues.
Be Aware of Your Air
Stresses the importance of having sufficient air by considering factors such as currents, workload and weighting when planning a dive.
Listen to Your Ears
Teaches students the effects of pressure at depth and covers common ear injuries and injury prevention.
Maintain Good Buoyancy
Helps students recognize the factors that affect buoyancy and learn how to establish optimal weighting.
Control Your Ascent
Explores the physics affecting safe ascents in several types of dive environments and how to ascend properly in each one
Assume Responsibility
Divers bear the ultimate responsibility for the decisions they make. This section shows what issues to pay attention to and what questions to ask.
At DAN, we believe a smarter diver is a safer diver. And when you’re 18 meters underwater, you want to be certain that you have the knowledge needed to explore safely. That’s why, for over 30 years, we have made it our mission to deliver extensive educational and dive safety resources to help you stay safe — both in and out of the water